Welcome to the Sound of Emotions Essentials
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working.”
I. Fundamentals
II. Sight-reading exercises
III. Rhythm
IV. Etudes
I. Scale Workouts
- Five-Finger Scale Exercises – A minor Blues
- Five-Finger Improvisation Exercises – A minor Blues
- 8 Exercises to Practice Blues Scales
II: Expanding Rhythm Vocabulary for Improvisation
- Expanding Rhythm Vocabulary for Improvisation (Easy)
- Expanding Rhythm Vocabulary for Improvisation (Medium)
- Expanding Rhythm Vocabulary for Improvisation (Difficult)
III. Rhythm Workout – Easy
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Notes workout
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Beat 1)
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Beat 2)
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Beat 3)
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Beat 4)
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Random)
IV. Checkpoint
I. Intervals
- Intervals and Triads
- Intervals and Emotions
- Minor 2nd Experiment
- Minor 2nd Experiment: Play-Along
- Major 2nd Experiment
- Major 2nd Experiment: Play-Along
- Minor 3rd Experiment
- Minor 3rd Experiment: Play-Along
- Major 3rd Experiment
- Major 3rd Experiment: Play-Along
- Perfect 4th Experiment
- Perfect 4th Experiment: Play-Along
- Tritone Experiment
- Tritone Experiment: Play-Along
- Perfect 5th Experiment
- Perfect 5th Experiment: Play-Along
- Minor 6th Experiment
- Minor 6th Experiment: Play-Along
- Major 6th Experiment
- Major 6th Experiment: Play-Along
- Minor 7th Experiment
- Minor 7th Experiment: Play-Along
- Major 7th Experiment
- Major 7th Experiment: Play-Along
- Perfect Octaves Experiment
- Perfect Octaves Experiment: Play-Along
II. Major Triads Workout
- Major Triad Etude (Root Position, 1st & 2nd Inversion)
- Major Triad Etude (Voice Leading, Grooves)
- Voice Leading Theory
III. Minor Triads Workout
IV. Chords with Extensions Workout
- Major 7th Chords – Root Position
- Open Triad Etude (Ear Training)
- 9th Chords Etude (Ear Training)
- Sus4 Chords Etude (Ear Training)
- Slash Chords (Major 7th)
V. Rhythm Mastery – Drum Exercises
- Preparatory Exercise
- Rhythm Mastery: Exercise 4
- Rhythm Mastery: Exercise 8
- Rhythm Mastery: Exercise 10
- Rhythm Mastery: Exercise 11
- Rhythm Mastery: Exercise 14
VI. Rhythm Mastery – Solo Piano
- Rhythm Mastery: Solo Piano Part 3
- Rhythm Mastery: Practice Session (Solo Piano Part 3)
- Rhythm Mastery: Solo Piano Part 4
- Rhythm Mastery: Practice Session (Solo Piano Part 4)
VII. Rhythm Mastery – Paradiddles
- Paradiddles on Piano – Level 4
- Paradiddles on Piano – Free Improvisation
- Paradiddles on Piano – Improvisation – Part 2
VIII. Rhythm Mastery – Playing with a Band
I. Sight-Reading Exercises
- Preparatory Right Hand Exercises
- Preparatory Left Hand Exercises
- Whole Note Minuet No. 1
- Half Note Minuet No. 1
II. Theory and Improvisation
- Finish the Phrase (B minor)
- Finish the Phrase (C major7)
- Creating a Phrase (E minor)
- Vertical Improvisation – EASY
- Vertical Improvisation – MEDIUM
III. Rhythm Mastery – Paradiddles
I. Sight-Reading Exercises
- Eighth Notes Minuet
- C#-7b5 Minuet
- Dotted Half Notes Minuet
- Dotted Quarter Notes Minuet
- 8th Note Rest Minuet
- 7th Chord Minuet
II. Compositional Improvisation
I. Sight-Reading Exercises and Improvisation
- It’s a grand Illusion (Main Theme)
- It’s a grand Illusion (Improvisation)
- It’s a grand Illusion (Ending)
II. Technique and Improvisation
- Developing Fluency in Improvisation
- Alternating 16th & 8th notes
- Improvisation with 16th notes
- How to Build an Interesting Solo (Contemporary)
- Piano Fingering Exercises Part 1
- Piano Fingering Exercises Part 2
- Piano Fingering Exercises Part 3
III. Checkpoint
Ia. C Major Workout
Ib. A Minor Workout
IIa. G Major Workout
IIb. E Minor Workout
IIIa. D Major Workout
IIIb. B Minor Workout
IVa. A Major Workout
IVb. F# Minor Workout
Va. E Major Workout
Vb. C# Minor Workout
VIa. B Major Workout
VIb. G# Minor Workout
VIIa. F Major Workout
VIIb. D Minor Workout
VIIIa. Bb Major Workout
VIIIb. G Minor Workout
IXa. Eb Major Workout
IXb. C Minor Workout
Xa. Ab Major Workout
Xb. F Minor Workout
XIa. Db Major Workout
XIb. Bb Minor Workout
XIIa. Gb Major Workout
XIIb. Eb Minor Workout
I. Blues Licks and Improvisation
- Jazz Rhythm Exercises
- Blues Improvisation Etude No. 1
- 16 Blues Licks in A Minor – Part 1
- 16 Blues Licks in A Minor – Part 2
- Blues Improvisation Etude No. 2
- 9 Ways to Play Bluesy Left Hand Grooves
II. Creative Practicing 101
- Creative Practicing 101 (Level 1)
- Creative Practicing 101 (Level 2)
- Creative Practicing 101 (Level 3)
- Creative Practicing 101 (Level 4)
- Creative Practicing 101 (Level 5)
- Creative Practicing 101 (Level 6)
- Creative Practicing 101 (Level 7)
- Blues Challenge
III. Powerful Chord Progressions
IV. Rhythm Workout – 8th Note Rest Workout
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Notes Workout
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Beat 1)
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Beat 2)
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Beat 3)
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Beat 4)
- How to develop a swing feel: 8th Note Rest workout (Random)
Test your skills
I. Walking Bass
II. Chords
III. Jazz-blues Improvisation
- Bb Blues: Mastering Chords
- Bb Blues: 3-7 Voicings
- Bb Blues: Walking Bass
- Bb Blues: One Note Improvisation
- Bb Blues: Scale Patterns
- Note Restrictions
- Blues Impro with triads
I. Jazz-Blues Improvisation
(Major Pentatonic and Major Blues)
- Major Pentatonic and Blues Improvisation ( +Walking Bass)
- Major Pentatonic and Blues Improvisation (+ Rootless)
II. Scale workout in 12 keys
- Five-finger scale exercises (12 Major Keys)
- Five-Finger scale exercises (12 Minor Keys)
- 6 Additional Variations
III. Jazz Hanon
- Jazz Hanon No. 1
- Jazz Hanon No. 2
- Jazz Hanon No. 3
- Jazz Hanon No. 4
- Jazz Hanon No. 5
- Jazz Hanon No. 6
- Jazz Hanon No. 7
- Jazz Hanon No. 8
- Jazz Hanon No. 9
- How to make the best out of Jazz Hanon
- Blues Hanon
- How to get the best out of Blues Hanon
- Basic Blues
- Major 7th Chords – Root Position
- Rootless 7th Chords
IV. Elements of Jazz Improvisation
- Natural & Harmonic Minor Scale
- C Major Scale Workout
- How To Play Dorian Mode (Bebop)
- How To Play Dorian Mode (Modal)
- Minor 7th in Jazz – Scales and Arpeggios
- How To Play Mixolydian Mode
- Dominant 7th Arpeggios in Jazz
V. Jazz Arrangements – Mid-Tempo Jazz Standards
- How to read a lead sheet for Jazz Piano
- Syncopation in Jazz
- Basic Jazz Voicings – Solo Piano
- Tune Down – Solo Piano
- Tune Down – Jazz Trio
VI. Jazz Arrangements – Ballads
Basic Scales and Voicings (Isolation)
Basic Scales and Voicings (Integration)
- ii-V-I in C major: Improvisation Etude
- ii-V-I workout (Basic Voicings): Jazz Standards
- ii-V-I workout (3-note Voicings): Jazz Standards
Shell Voicings
- Comping: Shell Voicings – Formula 1
- ii-V-I workout (Shell Voicings): Jazz Standards
- Bebop Scale Pattern No. 2
Minor ii-V-i
- Jazz Melodic Minor, Locrian and the Altered Scale
- Minor ii-V-i Scales
- How to use altered scales in Jazz
3 & 4-Note Voicings (All 12 Keys)
Get Feedback on Your Playing!
If you are stuck, or not sure about something feel free to contact me.
Even though everything is clear, I would love to hear you playing and get to know you better.
In order to give you good advice and guidance, I would need the following information from you:
- Your name, age, and main motivation.
- How much time do you have for practice?
- What lessons have you already completed or are still working on?
- A link where I can see or hear you playing the exercises (Unlisted YouTube link, mp3 file, etc.) Play the entire exercise from the beginning to the end with a steady beat and let me know how long time did it take you to complete the lesson. If the recording is about improvisation, please improvise at least for 1 minute (with a steady beat).
Keep in touch!
Hugs & Love