Minor Triad Etude

It is time to turn our attention to minor chords. Minor triads have a darker sound than major ones but are equally common. A minor triad can be formed from a major triad by flattering the third.


Chord Symbol                            Name                                  Chord Tones
C                                            C major triad                            C E G (R, 3, 5)
C- or Cm                               C minor triad                            C Eb G (R, b3, 5)

Now that you have a good understanding how to play all the major chords in all 3 shapes (Root position, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion) and you know how to connect triads in order to create a smooth transition – I believe we can progress faster than with the major chords earlier.

If you still struggle, create your own simplified minor etude routines based on the major triad routines.

Practice Plan:

Level 1 (Basic)                   Play it 5 times
Level 2 (Solid)                   Play it 5 times correctly
Level 3 (Pro)                      Play it 3 times correctly in a row
Level 4 (Elite)                    Play it 5 times correctly in a row

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